Local Trades
Are you looking for a local tradesperson? The table below shows a list of people or businesses which have been recommended by one or more residents of Covington. You can either scroll through the list, or enter a keyword into the search bar on the top right hand side of the table.
If you are one of the people or businesses listed in the table and would like to update your information, please advise us of any changes via our Contact page and we will quickly modify your details.
Please note that although tradespeople and businesses listed here have been recommended by Covington residents, no guarantees can be provided as to the level of service you will receive. Please carry out your own checks before deciding whether to proceed.
Trade or Service | Recommended Company or Person | Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address | Notes |
AGA Service Engineer | Richard Sherman | Richard Sherman | 01604 841896 07701 048030 | info@rspropertymaintenance.co.uk | Contact: 8am-8pm Mon-Fri 8am-2pm Sat |
Antennas & Satellite Dishes | Lee Curtis | Lee Curtis | 07976 422946 | leecurtis03@aol.com | |
Boiler / Heating Engineer | Daniel Groom Ltd 6 The Green Woodford Kettering NN14 4HB | Daniel Groom | 01832 733384 07930 101972 07766 335648 | dgroomltd@gmail.com | www.danielgroomltd.co.uk |
Boiler / Heating Engineer | Nigel Mole Unit 3 Home Farm Buildings Diddington St Neots PE19 5XT | Nigel Mole | 01480 812139 07850 087967 | www.safelocaltrades.com/PE/st-neots/plumber-oil-boiler-service/nrm-oil-plumbing-heating | |
Boiler / Heating Engineer | Oil B Warm Heating Service | Jamie Desborough | 07513 910391 01767 691598 | ||
Builder / Carpenter | Andy Lavender | Andy Lavender | 01933 411469 07917 929895 | lavnsue@hotmail.com | Plasterer, General Building work, Project work and handyman |
Builder / Carpenter | Peter Smith | Peter Smith | 07901 647334 | ||
Builder / Carpenter | Viewmaster | Paul Blake | 07860 135176 01733 321842 | pjcblake@gmail.com | |
Car Body Repair | Bedford Body Services Ltd Unit 107-8 Leyland Ind Est. Wellingborough NN8 1RT | Mark Bedford | 01933 275100 | mark@bedfordbody.co.uk | |
Cleaner | Ecophy Cleaning Services Higham Ferrers | Jamie & Susanna | 01933 698111 | info@ecophy.co.uk | Reasonable prices, Regular and one-off cleaning, carpet cleaning, windows, end of tenancy, spring cleaning. www.ecophy.co.uk |
Cleaner | Custom-Clean | Graham Windram | 07708 614050 | www.facebook.com/externalproperty/cleaning/ | Cleans and replaces roof tiles, guttering, fascias, soffits, brickwork, render, windows, uPVC, cladding, conservatories, driveways, patios, fencing and decking |
Conservatories | GSN Pertenhall Road / The Town Street St Neots PE19 5BE | 01480 860000 | sales@gsn.co.uk | www.gsnconservatories-stneots.co.uk | |
Double Glazing | Viewmaster | Paul Blake | 07860 135176 01733 321842 | pjcblake@gmail.com | All aspects of double glazing, including service & repair. |
Fencing | HUNTREE FENCING LTD Old Great North Road Little Paxton St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6EH | 01480 471082 | www.huntreefencing.co.uk Fence panels, decking, aggregates, trellis. Panels can be made to order. Delivery charges apply. Goods delivered 3m from vehicle. |
Garage | Catworth Garage | Matt & Mick | 01832 710220 | ||
Garage | Orbit Tyres Skinners Hill Rushden | Craig | 01933 312511 | rushden@orbittyres.com | MOT, Tyres, Service & repairs. Courtesy car if needed |
Hairdresser | The Strand 121A High Street Rushden | Jonathan | 01933 318800 | thestrandrushden@gmail.com | |
IT Support | Pulse Digital | Neville Moran | 01480 860142 07850 491628 0844 3754302 | request@digital.ac | www.digital.ac |
Kitchen Appliance Repair | Housewifes Choice (Euronics) 109 High Street Rushden NN10 0NZ | 01933 355097 | www.hwchoice.co.uk | ||
Kitchen Appliance Repair | AH Appliance Repairs | Andrew Hayhoe | 07760 351163 | domestic@ahpcrepairz.co.uk | www.ahpcrepairz.co.uk |
Locksmith | PATSABOUT LOCKS | Patrick Golledge | 07415 374045 | patsabout.locks@gmail.com | 24 hour independent locksmith based in Raunds |
Painter & Decorator | Bruce Torrington | Bruce Torrington | 07807 020952 | brucetorrington@gmail.com | |
Painter & Decorator | Brush Strokes | Shaun McManus | 07716 132003 | brushstrokespaintinganddecorating@live.co.uk | |
Painter & Decorator | Keith Dyson | Keith Dyson | 01733 575817 | ||
Painter & Decorator | Richard Rainford | Richard Rainford | 01480 413382 | ||
Plumber, Kitchen & Bathroom Fitter | Marvin Bucknell | Marvin Bucknell | 01480 812244 07896 951317 | marvinbucknell@yahoo.co.uk | |
Plumber - Heating and Plumbing | Steven Coles 3 De Vere Road Thrapston NN14 4JN | Steven Coles | 07891 122166 | sjcolesgas@gmail.com | Certified to install pressurised, unvented hot water cylinders |
Tree Surgery | Charlie Vince Tree Surgery Ltd Friends Close St Neots PE19 6SF | Charlie Vince | 01480 880199 07850 360234 | info@cvts.ltd | www.charlievincetreesurgery.co.uk |
Upholstery | C A & N C Pedlar Upholstery Ltd The Mission Hall St Ann's Lane Godmanchester PE29 2JE | 01480 457257 | info@pedlar-upholstery.co.uk | ||
Wills - Legal | Wellingborough Wills | Gordon & Dani Spence | 01933 213450 07986 303082 | dani@wellingboroughwills.com | www.wellingboroughwills.com |
Window Cleaning | M Wilson | Michael Wilson | 07769 926047 | mjwilson77@hotmail.co.uk | Window cleaning, plus other cleaning services are available |
Showing 1 to 31 of 31 entries