Covington Village Hall
Our lovely old Victorian schoolroom has a new lease of life as a venue for all kinds of village events. Persistence on the part of the Amenities Committee resulted in funds being made available from within the village and elsewhere for extensive refurbishment of the building, which now boasts a fully fitted kitchen and other facilities. The original character of the interior has been kept where possible. Many an evening has been spent gathered round blazing coals in the open fireplace (which can be supplemented when required by the wall-mounted space heaters).
In addition to a Book Group and the History Group which meet regularly there, the Village Hall has hosted a hilarious Burns Night, Christmas parties, Harvest lunches, History Group dinners, Macmillan teas, Poetry evening, Film nights, Village Quizzes to raise money for Bonfire Night, etc., etc. Two First Aid courses have been held in the hall and there was also a very successful Quilting Day and Gardeners' Question Time. Covington Feasts and Reunions take place every few years with events in the Village Hall and Church.
In 2009, Covington entered the Calor Gas Small Village of the Year Competition and a packed hall put the case for the village to the panel of judges. The Village was awarded a special certificate in acknowledgement of the outstanding way in which the community supports itself. More recently, the village hall was the base for an archaeology training dig which took place in a nearby field. Community archaeologists from Cambridgeshire and beyond attended the two week dig. Finally, the village hall also hosts Redraw broadband, which provides many houses in the village with a reasonable service of broadband.
A booklet on the History of Covington School, published with assistance from the Goodliff Fund, is available to purchase from the Covington History Group. This is an excellent resource for research and of particular value for anyone studying history of education. If you are interested in purchasing a hard copy, please drop the History Group a note via our History Group page. Alternatively a digital copy can be downloaded below.
History of Covington School information booklet
Would you like to use the hall?
The Village Hall is available for hire at very reasonable rates - get in touch below for further details.
Please read this user guide before using the Covington Village Hall.
If you are a Covington resident, simply enter the date and time of your reservation in the form below. We will confirm availability and get straight back to you. If you live outside of Covington, please use the form below to let us know what you are planning, we will check options and get back to you shortly.
Alternatively, please contact Jackie at
Make a booking request
If you'd like reserve the hall, please let us know your plans, including the date and time. We will respond as soon as possible.